Old art supplies – lots of ...them! Conté crayons, pastels, Chinese brushes and bamboo pens I whittled myself, paintbrushes, a set of Dr. PH Martin's watercolors, fabric paint, decoupage supplies, gouache...
A trio of black vintage lunch boxes
Decorative boxes
Decorative boxes
Tons of fabrics and trims that no longer fit my look
3 Framed Original Rooster Drawings (one of them signed) acquired at the celebrated Chelsea Flea Market in New York City (I don't care what they're possibly worth...they're apparently worthless to me!)
A huge, framed original punked-out self-portrait from my very first art school days...I had a crew cut back then! ;)
A bag of sawdust from an old custom order (please don't ask! )
A bag of sawdust from an old custom order (please don't ask! )
A clunky air purifier for which I could never find replacement filters!
Vintage pottery
A huge bag of beautiful fancy lace trims that I can't be bothered to photograph and list in my supply shop and that are too pricey to ship out of the country to a friend...though admittedly I punked out 2 or 3 times before deciding to get rid of these!
Clothing that had seen better days but gave my closet the illusion of fullness, though it really only added to the stress of having nothing to wear
Craft supplies--many barely or never used--from my early days on Etsy when I briefly gave in to the temptation to make and sell what was wildly popular rather than what appealed to and inspired me personally.
WAIT! Doesn't this sound like the makings of a realllllly good yard sale...? (I know, right...?!)